
Neo4j does not have a set schema like relational databases, but sometimes changes to the schema and the data are required. To help with this, Neo4j.rb provides an ActiveRecord-like migration framework and a set of helper methods to manipulate both database schema and data. Just like ActiveRecord, a record of which transactions have been run will be stored in the database so that a migration is automatically only run once per environment.


The migration functionality described on this page was introduced in version 8.0 of the neo4j gem.


Migrations can be created by using the built-in Rails generator:

rails generate neo4j:migration RenameUserNameToFirstName

This will generate a new file located in db/neo4j/migrate/xxxxxxxxxx_rename_user_name_to_first_name.rb

class RenameUserNameToFirstName < Neo4j::Migrations::Base
  def up
    rename_property :User, :name, :first_name

  def down
    rename_property :User, :first_name, :name

In the same way as ActiveRecord does, you should fill up the up and down methods to define the migration and (eventually) the rollback steps.


Every migrations runs inside a transaction by default. So, if some statement fails inside a migration fails, the database rollbacks to the previous state.

However this behaviour is not always good. For instance, neo4j doesn’t allow schema and data changes in the same transaction.

To disable this, you can use the disable_transactions! helper in your migration definition:

class SomeMigration < Neo4j::Migrations::Base



Neo4j.rb implements a clone of the ActiveRecord migration tasks API to migrate.


Runs any pending migration.

rake neo4j:migrate:all


An alias for rake neo4j:migrate:all.

rake neo4j:migrate:all


Executes a migration given it’s version id.

rake neo4j:migrate:up VERSION=some_version


Reverts a migration given it’s version id.

rake neo4j:migrate:down VERSION=some_version


Prints a detailed migration state report, showing up and down migrations together with their own version id.

rake neo4j:migrate:status


Reverts the last up migration. You can additionally pass a STEPS parameter, specifying how many migration you want to revert.

rake neo4j:rollback

Integrate Neo4j.rb with ActiveRecord migrations

You can setup Neo4j migration tasks to run together with standard ActiveRecord ones. Simply create a new rake task in lib/tasks/neo4j_migrations.rake:

Rake::Task['db:migrate'].enhance ['neo4j:migrate']

This will run the neo4j:migrate every time you run a rake db:migrate

Migration Helpers


Executes a pure neo4j cypher query, interpolating parameters.

execute('MATCH (n) WHERE n.name = {node_name} RETURN n', node_name: 'John')
execute('MATCH (n)-[r:`friend`]->() WHERE n.age = 7 DELETE r')


An alias for Neo4j::Session.query. You can use it as root for the query builder:

query.match(:n).where(name: 'John').delete(:n).exec


Removes a property given a label.

remove_property(:User, :money)


Renames a property given a label.

rename_property(:User, :name, :first_name)


Removes all nodes with a certain label



Adds a label to nodes, given their current label

add_label(:User, :Person)


Adds labels to nodes, given their current label

add_label(:User, [:Person, :Boy])


Removes a label from nodes, given a label

remove_label(:User, :Person)


Removes labels from nodes, given a label

remove_label(:User, [:Person, :Boy])


Renames a label

rename_label(:User, :Person)


Adds a new unique constraint on a given label attribute.

Warning it would fail if you make data changes in the same migration. To fix, define disable_transactions! in your migration file.

add_constraint(:User, :name)

Use force: true as an option in the third argument to ignore errors about an already existing constraint.


Drops an unique constraint on a given label attribute.

Warning it would fail if you make data changes in the same migration. To fix, define disable_transactions! in your migration file.

drop_constraint(:User, :name)

Use force: true as an option in the third argument to ignore errors about the constraint being missing.


Adds a new exact index on a given label attribute.

Warning it would fail if you make data changes in the same migration. To fix, define disable_transactions! in your migration file.

add_index(:User, :name)

Use force: true as an option in the third argument to ignore errors about an already existing index.


Drops an exact index on a given label attribute.

Warning it would fail if you make data changes in the same migration. To fix, define disable_transactions! in your migration file.

drop_index(:User, :name)

Use force: true as an option in the third argument to ignore errors about the index being missing.


Writes some text while running the migration.

say 'Hello'
-- Hello

When passing true as second parameter, it writes it more indented.

say 'Hello', true
-> Hello


Wraps a set of statements inside a block, printing the given and the execution time. When an Integer is returned, it assumes it’s the number of affected rows.

say_with_time 'Trims all names' do
  query.match(n: :User).set('n.name = TRIM(n.name)').pluck('count(*)').first
-- Trims all names.
   -> 0.3451s
   -> 2233 rows


Populates the uuid property (or any id_property you defined) of nodes given their model name.

populate_id_property :User

Check Adding IDs to Existing Data for more usage details.


Relabels a relationship, keeping intact any relationship attribute.

relabel_relation :old_label, :new_label

Additionally you can specify the starting and the destination node, using :from and :to.

You can specify also the :direction (one if :in, :out or :both).


relabel_relation :friends, :FRIENDS, from: :Animal, to: :Person, direction: :both


Relabels relationship nodes from one format to another.


change_relations_style list_of_labels, old_style, new_style

For example, if you created a relationship #foo in 3.x, and you want to convert it to the 4.x+ foo syntax, you could run this.

change_relations_style [:all, :your, :labels, :here], :lower_hash, :lower

Allowed styles are:

  • :lower: lowercase string, like my_relation
  • :upper: uppercase string, like MY_RELATION
  • :lower_hash: Lowercase string starting with hash, like #my_relation