
We very much welcome contributions! Before contributing there are a few things that you should know about the neo4j.rb projects:

The Neo4j.rb Project

We have three main gems: neo4j, neo4j-core, neo4j-rake_tasks.

We try to follow semantic versioning based on <>

Communicating With the Neo4j.rb Team

GitHub issues are a great way to submit new bugs / ideas. Of course pull requests are welcome (though please check with us first if it’s going to be a large change). We like tracking our GitHub issues with (neo4j, neo4j-core, neo4j-rake_tasks) but just through GitHub also works.

We hang out mostly in our chat room and are happy to talk or answer questions. We also are often around on the Neo4j-Users Slack group.

Running Specs

For running the specs, see our spec/

Before you submit your pull request

Automated Tools

We use:

Please try to check at least the RSpec tests and Rubocop before making your pull request. Guardfile and .overcommit.yml files are available if you would like to use guard (for RSpec and rubocop) and/or overcommit.

We also use Travis CI to make sure all of these pass for each pull request. Travis runs the specs across multiple versions of Ruby and multiple Neo4j databases, so be aware of that for potential build failures.


To aid our users, we try to keep a complete file. We use as a guide. We appreciate a line in the as part of any changes.

We also use Sphinx / reStructuredText for our documentation which is published on We also appreciate your help in documenting any user-facing changes.

Notes about our documentation setup:

  • YARD documentation in code is also parsed and placed into the Sphinx site so that is also welcome. Note that reStructuredText inside of your YARD docs will render more appropriately.
  • You can use rake docs to build the documentation locally and rake docs:open to open it in your web browser.
  • Please make sure that you run rake docs before committing any documentation changes and checkin all changes to docs/.