
To run your tests, you must have a Neo4j server running (ideally a different server than the development database on a different port). One quick way to get a test database up and running is to use the built in rake task:

rake neo4j:install[community-latest,test]
# or a specific version
rake neo4j:install[community-3.1.0,test]

You can configure it to respond on a different port like so:

rake neo4j:config[test,7475]

If you are using Rails, you can edit the test configuration config/environments/test.rb or the config/neo4j.yml file (see Setup)

How to clear the database


Faster, but does not does not remove the database schema (indexes and constraints):

Neo4j::ActiveBase.current_session.query('MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n')

# For Neo4j < 2.3
Neo4j::ActiveBase.current_session.query('MATCH (n) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-() DELETE n,r')

Delete data files

Completely delete the database files (slower, by removeds schema). If you installed Neo4j via the rake tasks, you can run:

rake neo4j:reset_yes_i_am_sure[test]

If you are using embedded Neo4j, stop embedded db, delete the db path, start embedded db.

RSpec Transaction Rollback

If you are using RSpec you can perform tests in a transaction as you would using active record. Just add the following to your rspec configuration in spec/rails_helper.rb or spec/spec_helper.rb

config.around do |example|
  Neo4j::Transaction.run do |tx|

Using Rack::Test

If you’re using the Rack::Test <https://github.com/rack-test/rack-test> gem to test your Neo4j-enabled web application from the outside, be aware that the Rack::Test::Methods mixin won’t work with this driver. Instead, use the Rack::Test::Session approach as described in the Sinatra documentation <http://sinatrarb.com/testing.html>.