
Makes Neo4j Relationships more or less act like ActiveRecord objects. See documentation at


  • N1_N2_STRING



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Returning nil when we get ActiveAttr::UnknownAttributeError from ActiveAttr

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These two methods should be removed in 6.0.0

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Returns the value of attribute _persisted_obj

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Should probably find a way to not need this

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Returns +true+ if the object was destroyed.

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called when loading the rel from the database

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Returns +true+ if the record hasn’t been saved to Neo4j yet.

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Returns +true+ if the record hasn’t been saved to Neo4j yet.

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Returns +true+ if the record is persisted, i.e. it’s not a new record and it was not destroyed

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Returning nil when we get ActiveAttr::UnknownAttributeError from ActiveAttr

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Implements the ActiveModel::Validation hook method.

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Returns an Enumerable of all (primary) key attributes or nil if model.persisted? is false

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Updates this resource with all the attributes from the passed-in Hash and requests that the record be saved. If saving fails because the resource is invalid then false will be returned.

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Same as {#update_attributes}, but raises an exception if saving fails.

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Convenience method to set attribute and #save at the same time

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Convenience method to set attribute and #save! at the same time

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Updates this resource with all the attributes from the passed-in Hash and requests that the record be saved. If saving fails because the resource is invalid then false will be returned.

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Same as {#update_attributes}, but raises an exception if saving fails.

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Implements the Neo4j::Node#wrapper and Neo4j::Relationship#wrapper method so that we don’t have to care if the node is wrapped or not.

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